AssetsGen is now free app

AssetsGen is now free app

We are happy to inform our users that we have changed the distribution model of our AssetsGen application. It is now completely free, and we guarantee that it will remain free in the future.

We made this decision to focus on our other products and develop them to the fullest. However, we will also continue to support and develop free products that are already available to our users.

We are confident that this change to the distribution model of the AssetsGen application will benefit all of our users. Now you can use all the features and functionality of the application for free without restrictions.

To see our commitment to supporting and developing free products, download our applications from the "Projects" section of our site. There you will find many useful and free applications that will help you improve your work and increase the efficiency of your business.

We thank our users for using our products and we promise to continue to provide free and useful solutions for all our customers. Stay tuned to our website and our social media to stay up to date with our latest news and updates.


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Best regards,