Color Palette (AssetsGen)

Working with the color palette turned out to be a rather successful find in the implementation of the applications' functionality.

colours set
Photo by Robert Katzki / Unsplash

Personally, I have always disliked generating colors in xcode, since the color selection mechanism leaves much to be desired. I just want to choose a color and be able to use it in the project.

So, now we can say that the main functionality of generating a color palette is finished, one thing left to figure out is how to generate a fully-fledged palette based on one primary color.

In the current version, you can select a randomly defined set of colors, generate a set from a selected color with lighter/darker tones, and manually select colors.

After some steps, the user can immediately export the entire received set of colors and add it to the icon code.

Generate from base color
Generate from base color
Random Set of colors
Random Set of colors


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