User-requested app update for Ruble app

Ruble - Mac AppStore

Our team is very pleased to announce an update for the Ruble app, which includes a new feature for sorting currencies!

We always try to listen to what our users want and need, even in free projects. That's why we decided to respond to your request to make it more convenient to sort currencies within the app.

List of currencies in Ruble app

With the new update available now on the App Store, you can now sort currencies in the drop-down menu. Now you can easily find the currencies you want according to your preferences. Our goal is to provide you with the most convenient experience when using our app, and this new feature will help simplify currency selection for tracking purposes.

Please update our app on the App Store to take advantage of this new feature. We hope you will find this new feature valuable.

Thanks for using our apps. We appreciate you participating and remain committed to providing you with useful and reliable tools.

Ruble - exchange rates of CBRF

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